M.A.T. 6.5

Quoting from the letter to M.A.T., written by Daniel Schaffer, who completed in the 20th place the single handed Mini Transat race between La Rochelle, France and Salvador de Bahia, Brazil –a distance of thousands of miles across Atlantic– onboard high-tech mini made by M.A.T.:
"None of the serious problems that I had on the race were yard related. The opposite is true, the boat and all parts made by the yard proved strong and well made. The boat was very fast and kept the pace with the best down wind.
I think that you can feel proud with these boats and all people that saw them commented on the high level of craftsmanship shown by MAT.
They have come on to my boat to check the work and were very impressed, I told them that I would not hesitate to let MAT take any project"
M.A.T. 6.5